Just Another Guy With A Camera…

My name is Jeremy Eskelsen, and I’ve been taking photos my whole life.  I got a 110mm when I was in elementary school, and won an arts contest for the photography section when I was in the 5th grade (they said they liked the placement of the plant in a family photo I took – I didn’t understand why that mattered).

As a Junior in High School, I took my first photography class, and the teacher told me “some people have what it takes to be a photographer, and some people don’t.  You…  don’t.”  I was crushed.  I’d already signed up for Jordan Technical School’s Commercial Photography class for the next year, and almost withdrew.


I’m glad I didn’t!  I never mentioned my other teacher’s reaction, but nearing the end of Jordan Tech’s program, the teacher pulled me aside and said, “There are 3 people in this class who I think could really make it as a photographer in life – and you are one of them.”


My goal is always to try and catch those moments in between the poses.  Where the smile is real, or there is a flash that comes over someone while they are getting ready.  Posed pictures will always have a place, but my favorites will always be the ones in between (also – it doesn’t always happen, or I miss it – but if it’s in your shoot, I’m certain they will be your favorites too).


I’d mostly taken photos for fun, friends, and family, but a few years ago one of friends asked me to do some family photos for them.  After, they said, “You should be charging for this!  Well…  I mean…  after us.  But other people, for sure!”  So…  Here I am!  Just… another guy with a camera.